Upcoming Events:
Thursday, September 14, 2023 | 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
Coffee and Conversations with Senator Tom Bennett
Building relationships, one cup at a time.
Uncle Vait’s Plazza
905 W Main St, Lexington, IL 61753
Office Hours: Click here for the weekly office hours.

Governor takes action on remaining bills; all but six become law
As of Aug. 18, all legislation that passed the General Assembly during the 2023 spring session has now been acted upon by the Governor. With more than 550 bills being approved by both legislative chambers, all were signed into law with the exception of six, which were either vetoed or received amendatory vetoes.
For the bills that received total vetoes, the Legislature will now have an opportunity to override those vetoes with a 3/5 majority of votes to enact the law. If a vetoed bill is not called for a vote, the veto stands, and the bill dies.
For the bills that received amendatory vetoes, the Legislature can either vote to approve the Governor’s amendments to the bill with a simple majority vote, or lawmakers can override the amendatory veto with a 3/5 majority vote to approve the original bill. If the bill is not called for either vote, the bill dies.
The General Assembly reconvenes for the annual fall veto session beginning in late October, which is a period designated to take up any vetoes that have been issued.
To learn more about the bills that passed the General Assembly, check out the Senate Republican “At A Glance” document, which summarizes all approved legislation from the spring session.

Ameren encourages customers to conserve energy during extended heat wave
To lessen the strain on the grid and ensure safe and reliable service, Ameren is encouraging its customers to take these steps to use energy conservatively and efficiently. Customers should stay safe by still using their air conditioning but also follow these tips:
– Raise the temperature on your thermostat by a few degrees.
– Close curtains and blinds. Use curtains and blinds to block out direct sunlight, especially during the hottest part of the afternoon. Keeping curtains and drapes closed can help reduce the heat indoors by 33%.
– Defer appliance usage. Wait to run your dishwasher, washing machine or any high-energy appliances until after 10 p.m. tonight.

Large agriculture exhibits dominate month of August in Illinois
Agriculture is a major theme in Illinois during the month of August as some of the largest agricultural showcases are taking place. With the 10-day Illinois State Fair in Springfield wrapping up over the weekend, Illinoisans have two more opportunities to get their agriculture fill.
The DuQuoin State Fair in Southern Illinois kicked off on Friday and runs through Sept. 4. The Fair includes livestock shows, harness races, truck and tractor pulls, and a variety of other entertainment. View a full schedule of events here.
Also, the Farm Progress Show returns to Decatur, Illinois, this year. From August 20 to August 31, nearly 550 exhibitors will be showcasing the newest advancements in ag technology. The event will also feature a variety of demonstrations and other hands-on opportunities. The show typically sees thousands of visitors from all over the world. To learn more, click here.

How much do we owe?
As of the time of this writing, the State of Illinois owes $1,720,645,050.00 to state vendors, including 16,928 pending vouchers. This figure represents the amount of bills submitted to the office of the Comptroller and still awaiting payment. It does not include debts that can only be estimated, such as our unfunded pension liability which is subject to a wide range of factors and has been estimated to be more than $139 billion. At the same time last year, the state’s accounts payable stood at a little less than $2 billion.

Did You Know?
The farm progress show is next week! From August 29th-31st agribusinesses and manufacturers will be at the Farm Progress Show in Decatur. The first Farm Progress Show took place on October 2nd, 1953, in Armstrong, Illinois and hosted over 75,000 visitors. This major agricultural event gives visitors the opportunity to see the latest equipment, seed, crop chemicals, field demonstrations, livestock handling and equine events, Ride ‘n Drive, rural life programs and entertainment, arts and crafts, and more. It is a great opportunity to meet face-to-face with agribusiness professionals and gain hands-on knowledge. It is open to the public!
This Week in the 53rd District
State Senator Tom Bennett – Working full-time to represent you!