Senator Bennett Issues Budget Statement

SPRINGFIELD- Senator Tom Bennet (R-Gibson City) issued the following statement after voting against Governor Pritzker’s budget that will spend more than $53 billion in Fiscal Year 2025:

“The Governor has once more followed through with a state budget that fails to align with the priorities of Illinois residents.

“His actions repeatedly show that his priorities are misguided. He intends to raise taxes on hardworking Illinoisans by nearly a $1 billion in an effort to fund his self-created migrant crisis, leaving special education students, college students, the developmentally disabled community, school construction, soil and water, and the taxpayers of Illinois in the dust.

“Since Governor Pritzker took office, state spending has increased by a troubling 32% in just five years—a record breaking figure of $13 billion​. This path Governor Pritzker and his allies continue down is unstainable. Where will revenue come from next year?

 “As a result, people might have to pay more for the same goods, earn less for the same work, or even both. Taxpayers in Illinois deserve a clear and transparent budgeting process that focuses on essential spending and manages their money responsibly.”

Tom Bennett

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